Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 4... And Let's Just Stay I'm Working on It

Ok, so I am completing day 4 of the financial fast and I am learning a lot about myself, and finding that I agree with what Michelle is saying in theory, but putting it all into practice with my schedule is harder than I thought. Take this example, on day 2, we went to church. Because our church is on the same side of town as work and school, we don't go home because by the time we get there, it would be time to head back.

We needed to eat, so I bought dinner. Now, is that a need or a want? Yes, I had food at home, but we wouldn't get home until close to 8:30 and trust me, my children were NOT going to wait that long to eat. According to the book, I shouldn't be eating out at all during the 21days, for me and my life, that just isn't practical.

Now, the next day I had Zumba. My husband had a game to cover at school, so that meant the kids were with me again. I gave it some thought, two days in a row eating out? There had to be something I could come up with. This time. I packed food from home, took it to work, and they ate that when I got to our church's facility for Zumba class. I did stop to get drink because I forgot to bring that.  But packing food for three or four several times a week isn't always practical either. I will say this, the fast is forcing me to think and try and be honest with myself. Am I coming up with excuses so I can take the easy way, or was buying dinner really the better option?

Here's what I've learned, just the fact that I am actually taking the time to think about it is a major win. It's only been four days but I can tell I've spent much less that I would normally. Before, I would have simply bought dinner both nights and not given it a second thought. I have been bringing my coffee from home and my lunch as well. And, the other day, without even thinking, I walked into a store to by a quick snack (didn't eat breakfast before heading to a photo shoot that morning), just as I got ready to pick it up and head the the check out counter it hit me, put it back. I was on my way to work where I had a granola bar and fruit I could eat for breakfast. Why buy something when I was on my way to a place where I've already go something I can eat that I have already paid for?

So while I may not be able, or OK, willing, to go the full distance, it is teaching me to just THINK before I spend, and once I've done that and feel good about the decision, it's all good.

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