Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A Family Destroyed for Nothing

When I was younger, I would hear my parents talk about the good old days, when you could sleep with the windows open and leave your door unlocked. They talked about how neighbors looked out for each other’s children and how you could send your son or daughter to the corner store to get a loaf of bread or some sugar without any worries for their safety.

photo from USA TODAY
And as I kid, even though we didn't leave doors unlocked or windows open, we certainly didn't worry that we might be shot to death in the mall because someone is upset about losing a job or at the movies because we sent a text message in a movie theater. Sounds strange that I would even think of something like that right? It may sound odd, but a few nights ago a retired Tampa police officer killed a man in the movie theater over bad cell phone etiquette. He was apparently enraged because the man was sending a text message during the movie previews. Yes, a retired POLICE OFFICER. 

They say during the argument the victim, a 30-something- year-old man with a wife and daughter, threw popcorn at the retired cop. Was it wrong for him to do so, sure – but he didn’t deserve to die because of it. Regardless of your views on gun control, you have to admit, events over the past several months have shown that there are way too many people with trigger happy fingers walking around with guns. I mean, who brings a gun to the movies in the first place? There are too many guns, too much violence, and too many people willing to kill someone just because they get upset.

Nowadays a difference of opinion over trivial matters could cost you your life. The news is full of stories about people killing over what amounts to well, stupid stuff!  A man on I-75, (in Tampa) was killed a few months ago because a driver felt he cut him off in traffic and shot him. Last year, a man in New York killed his grandmother because they couldn't agree on what to watch on TV! Really!?

It’s hard to believe that a disagreement over something as silly as proper cell phone manners is the reason a woman is without her husband tonight and a little girl (she’s only about 3) is without her dad. And that’s what it’s really all about isn't it? A family destroyed for nothing.  

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