Sunday, November 15, 2015

Biology is just a science term

It's the middle of the month, and before  I look up and the month is over, I felt I needed to write my next post. It is National Adoption Month and there is no way I could let it pass without comment.
I won't lie to you, the road to  adoption can be full of highs and lows. It's full of red tape, legal fees, and sometimes heartbreak. But having a biological child isn't always a cakewalk either.

I know most of you realize that my philosophy on adoption is a little different than some. My intention was always to adopt - it was our first choice to start a family. If I had a biological child fine and if not I was OK with that too.

I am very open about my adoption journey and there isn't much that I'm not willing to share, not because I think I'm special, but because sometimes being open about it can help those who are trying to decide if it's a road they too would like to travel.

And I have to say that through all of the highs and lows, the heartbreak and disappointment, I would not trade the experience for anything in the world.

Think about it, most of the things we all cherish in life are the ones we had to fight for. I am a warrior mom because I know what it took to have the honor of my babies calling me mommy. I know the work it took to become their mom and how hard many women are still fighting for the privilege of becoming a mother.

So this month I just want to celebrate all of the families created through the miracle of adoption - to encourage those who are somewhere on the journey but feeling weary, and to remember the babies of all ages who are still waiting for a forever home. Adoption has taught me that Biology is just a science term - it doesn't define love or family.  I didn't give birth to my miracles, and we have no biological ties, but they are still miracles nonetheless.

To all of you who have also walked this journey, I honor you. I think I speak for all of us when I say, it's the best decision we've ever made. 

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