Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So, Here's What I Need...
I am really tired of myself. I know that may sound weird but I am. I think it’s true what they say, there’s no need in trying to change others when odds are, you can’t even change yourself (or something like that). 
Procrastination isn’t normally something that I indulge in (except when it comes to doing laundry, I HATE it). I figure that waiting is only going to leave me with a bigger mess later, so just get it over with. But right now, there is one area in my life that has been full of starts and stops, and no matter how much I tell myself I am going to do better, I fall off the wagon (sorta like when I forget to post for over a week!)

 I have been working on a business idea for some time. I have built the website, talked to people who have told me they think it sounds great, even had a few people take a look at the website for me. And then… my daughter has a crisis, my son wants me to go to his basketball games, my husband needs my help on a project, I have to prepare songs for choir rehearsal, the dog needs a vet appointment, I forgot to take out something for dinner and need to figure out what we are going to eat – the list is endless. Oh, and I do work full time.

I’ve read about people who stepped out there, quit their jobs, and went for their dream. I am so not that girl. I believe in my idea, and so do the handful of the friends and family that I’ve shared it with -  but will others believe in it too? And meanwhile, how will bills get paid? Can I cut expenses enough to just live off of our husband’s income? Right now, I have to be honest. I don't think I want to find out. With a special needs child, two pay checks is so better than one. Her medical expenses are no joke! 

But still, I really need to get it together. I need to carve out some time each week to dedicate to my idea and if I think it will work, find a way to get it done. I mean, I can’t possibly be the first person to work full time while building a business after hours.  Some days I am all pumped and ready to work on the idea and then I get home and start dealing with household chores, the kids, and whatever else comes up and before I know it, it’s 10:00 p.m. and I am exhausted.

So here’s what I need – someone to hold be accountable. I am going to put a standing appointment on my calendar that each week I have to update all of you on my status. If I don’t, you have my permission to call me on it. Before I share my idea with all of you I want a few more people to take a look and give me some suggestions and then, I need to stop talking about it and launch the thing! Right?

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