Thursday, December 5, 2013

For Today I am Content

I thought about skipping a post tonight; then I remembered that skipping a night, then another night, then another... that is how it starts and before you know it, weeks will pass again with no post. I don't have much on my mind tonight. Things are quiet; my youngest is in the bed and my oldest is watching basketball (nothing new there).

I suppose if I had to describe my mood tonight I'd say I'm pretty content. Yes it's the holidays and believe me I have more than my share of things to do. There are appointments I have to make, deadlines to meet at work, gifts to purchase, and on and on. But tonight I figure those things can wait until tomorrow.

My children are okay and so is my husband, we have a roof over our head, we both have jobs to go to, there was food to eat, and even the dog is okay. So for tonight I choose to let any worries keep until tomorrow. I think it's always good to take a night or two here and there to just be grateful for what is right instead of worrying about everything that you need to fix. No matter how many times you sweep the floor, pick up after your children, fix a meal and clean the kitchen, there's more that can always be done. But I am learning that no matter what, I just can't do it all. It doesn't mean I won't try to fit in as much as possible, it just means at some point I have to let it all go, at least for a little while.

Over the past few weeks I've heard stories from friends who have a lot on their plates. And even though I know that you all know I have a lot going on too, there's always somebody whose plate is just a little fuller.

So for tonight I'm good. Tomorrow is another day, full of its own set of challenges. For now I'm living in the moment and I have to say this moment is pretty good.

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