Saturday, January 4, 2014

Back to Work

I decided not to press myself to blog too much over the holidays. There was lots going on, from a 4-day cruise with my daughter, mom, niece, and sisters, to getting my house back in some type of order once I returned from the trip. Of course as always, there was last minute Christmas shopping and wrapping to do.

All-in-all it was pretty uneventful. We had a great time on the cruise and my baby did well. She had a few meltdowns but that was to be expected. I have been handling them better of late. I am learning to just let some things go. If her hair doesn't look quite the way I want it to, if she has food on her clothes, if she doesn't always match the way I want her to,or if her lip is in her mouth, I just gotta deal.

When you have a special needs child you really have to learn what battles to fight and what things to leave for another day. That has been a hard lesson for me because sometimes when I let certain behavior slide I feel like I am letting her get away with doing something wrong. But eventually, I get the chance to address the behavior, if I'm patient. 

So now it's time to get ready to go back to work and school. The break was really needed and every time I feel myself getting depressed about going back, I remember that there so many that didn't get two weeks off. They were lucky if that got two days off! I will get back on a regular schedule with blogging on Monday.
Hopefully I won't get behind, but knowing me... well, let's just say it won't be a surprise if I have to send another "sorry it's been so long" post some time in 2014. For now, Happy New Year and I'll talk to you next week!

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