This one won’t be long. But I hope you will share it with others after you read it. Two people very close to me recently shared an experience they had. One made a comment, really just talking out loud, and said “gee my back hurts.” Someone walking by commented to her: “lose weight.” Another walked by a relative who asked her how big she was planning to get …wow.
Sometimes I wonder if people really think before they speak.
I have never understood why it seems to be socially acceptable to let someone
know how much weight you think they’ve gained. Body image is still a major
issue in our world and no matter how self confident you are, having someone
make a negative comment about your weight is never helpful. I mean, do people
really think making a negative remark is some how motivating? How many of us
can honestly say we don’t realize when we’ve gained weight? I mean, do we
really need anyone to point it out. We see ourselves everyday. WE ALREADY KNOW!
As they talked to me about the experience I realized just
how much it bothered them, and they had every right to be completely irritated.
Can you imagine how that insensitive comment might weigh on their minds the
next time they try on an outfit or get dressed for an important occasion?
While maintaining a healthy weight is always a goal, believe
me, there are plenty of skinny people with high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, back problems, and every other manner of health issue that many
may think are only an issue of weight.
Do us all a favor, before you get ready to comment on a
person’s appearance, go over the remark in your head, as if someone was saying
it to you and see how it makes you feel. Say, “Gee, (Insert your name) you are getting
pretty chunky,” and if it doesn’t bring a smile to your face or if it doesn’t
make you feel all warm and fuzzy, better
to keep your mouth shut and not make that comment to someone else. Sometimes
it’s better to think it, and not speak it, ya know?
Amen SISTA!!!