So it has happened again. It has been nearly three weeks since my last post. There has been a lot going on so I got behind. No need for excuses, this probably won't be the last time.
So we all know the dominant story in the news has been the racist, ignorant coach of the L.A. Clippers. Here's my two cents, for what it's worth.
Sometimes I think we can get complacent and think that because there seem to be so many more privileges for minorities today that racism is a thing of the past. Every now and then we need an ignorant, arrogant, idiot to remind us that we still have to be diligent and teach tolerance, as well as a healthy does of understanding that no matter how privileged we may seem, racism is still a major fabric of our society.
We don't want to raise our Black children to believe there is a racist around every corner but they do need to understand that not everyone who shakes your hand, smiles when you walk into a room, or even signs your paycheck is a true fan of Black folks.
I know I have said this before but sometimes I think we forget that the civil rights movement was only 50 years ago. There are still many among the living that can tell you about segregation and the belief that separate was equal.
To be honest, I hope the Clippers' owner (I refuse to even use his name) won't come with the obligatory apology. What good would it do? He said what he meant, and he meant what he said. Now everyone knows where he stands. The question now is what are the rest of us going to do about it?
I chose to use it as a teaching moment with my son - to remind him that there are still those who don't want to see him succeed.
Honestly I feel the most for his players. What should they do? They are in the playoffs, they have an obligation to play, but their owner is a racist bigot. I know some felt that there silent protest wasn't enough for some, but what else can they do? Be real. I work for the school system. If the Superintendent made a racist comment caught on tape, I would be upset - but make no mistake, I am still going to work. And honestly, I can't see many who are criticizing them refusing to go to work either. Just because these men make more than the average Joe, they still have bills to pay. And they are in the playoffs. That is an accomplishment and something they should be proud of. Not even the ignorance of their owner should take that away from them.
So tonight, I am going to say an extra prayer for the Clippers' players and hope that more than just discussing this issue, it will help us remember that while we have come far, we still have a long way to go.
Excellent read......very insightful..... love you cousin.